C2C Certified®

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Cradle to Cradle Certified® is the leading multi-attribute standard used globally across industries by designers, brands and manufacturers for designing and making products that enable a healthy, equitable and sustainable future. For more than a decade, Cradle to Cradle Certified has been helping companies to innovate and optimize materials and products according to the world’s most advanced science-based measures.
The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard provides the framework to assess the safety, circularity and responsibility of materials and products across five categories of sustainability performance: Material Health: This category in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses that chemicals and materials used in the product are selected to prioritize the protection of human health and the environment, generating a positive impact on the quality of materials available for future use and cycling. Product Circularity: This category in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses that products are intentionally designed for their next use and are actively cycled in their intended cycling pathways. Clean Air & Climate Protection: This category in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses that product manufacturing results in a positive impact on air quality, the renewable energy supply, and the balance of climate changing greenhouse gasses. Water & Soil Stewardship: This category in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses that water and soil are treated as precious and shared resources. Watersheds and soil ecosystems are protected, and clean water and healthy soils are available to people and all other organisms. Social Fairness: This category in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses that companies are committed to upholding human rights and applying fair and equitable business practices. VISION A world where safe materials and products are designed and manufactured in a prosperous, circular economy to maximize health and wellbeing for people and planet. MISSION To lead, inspire and enable all stakeholders across the global economy to create and use innovative products and materials that positively impact people and planet.