Fair Wear Foundation

fairwear.org The Netherlands
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ABOUT Fair Wear was founded in 1999 with the ambitious mission to improve labour conditions in the garment industry. Progress has been made since then, but significant challenges remain. Now is the time to accelerate this progress and push the industry to a tipping point. BUILDING A CRITICAL MASS FOR CHANGE As a true multistakeholder initiative, Fair Wear connects and convenes brands, factories, workers, trade unions, NGOs and other industry influencers. Ambitious alignment is needed to drive the garment industry to become fair for all. Fair Wear is progressive in the views and strives to bring their shared vision to the wider industry to push for alignment and action by utilising the unique leverage each stakeholder has. Their approach is to closely collaborate to build a critical mass for change, providing active and practical support to ensure that workers are in the driving seat of improving and monitoring their own working conditions. Fair Wear envisions and actively works towards a situation where garment workers are well informed, well represented and have the means to raise concerns when their rights are violated. They guide and assess brands and promote the full and mandatory implementation of the OECD guidelines for human rights due diligence across the industry.