jlabel.com The Netherlands
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We are Janneke and Judith, a former jurist and lawyer. We take justice enthusiastically to the next level. We are both Dutchies and J LABEL’ s founders and designers. We have launched our fashion label and webshop in July 2018, exactly ten years after meeting eachother in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the first time during a vacation and we have been inseparable ever since. Our friendship and partnership constantly drives us to improve as human beings and entrepreneurs and we share a huge desire for justice and exploring our curiosity, which makes us so passionate about this. We are both moms, aiming to raise our children to become independent, happy, free and conscious human beings. In the frame of ‘practice what you preach’, we decided to give our dream a chance by starting J LABEL, contributing step by step towards a positive difference in the world.
Wholesale E: info@jlabel.com Photo credit: J LABEL