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Since our start in 1994, we at PBO Group have been dedicated to establishing Philosophy Blues Original as a powerful, high profile brand. All along we have been conscious that a brand can never be better than the product, the management’s visions and the competencies of our employees. In other words, the foundation must be in place to ensure that – seen from the market’s point of view – we stand out with a distinctive profile. In all modesty we are proud to say that we have succeeded despite fierce competition. But our ambitions go further than that. Therefore we are moving into new markets throughout Europe.
A powerful brand carries with it an obligation, a responsibility for the entire organisation of the PBO Group. It takes more than simply being focused on our brands and making a difference with our customers. Therefore it is a top priority to team up with the right people. We only cooperate with companies who have an in-depth understanding of our products – and not least the values of the PBO Group. The competition in the market calls for something out of the ordinary from our business partners. We must be able to respond swiftly and sure-footedly without jeopardising our underlying business concept. Adding to the growth of the PBO Group, we will grant additional weight to our marketing efforts. We will sharpen the profile of the PBO Group and our brand, and we will ensure that all future marketing initiatives point in the same direction. We are convinced this is the key to sustaining and expanding our position in the market. But first and foremost we intend to keep making clothing of a high quality and a distinctive design. Wholesale E: supply@pbo-group.com Photo credit: PBO