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  • Preach
PREACH is more than just streetwear - it combines lifestyle, music and fashion. Highly influenced by the demand of the YOUTH to stand out of the mass. Distributed in multiple countries in and outside the EU,PREACH has become a brand with international awareness.
Pushing the boundaries of the usual we implemented a culture of joy in what we do. We work in a friendly and open minded environment focussing on team spirit and zeitgeist. Each individual has a high impact on the creative outcome of the brand and is pushing it further. With PREACH each one of us turned their own passion for streetwear into something more. Being a young and small team everyone is learning exponentially in their fields and even further. PREACH is not only focussing on producing garments. We want to create an environment of free creativity and change. Supporting our community in our artworks and prints as well as cooperating with other brands who share our values of honesty and change. We always keep the quality as high as possible doesn’t matter what we do.