Rockupy Germany
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  • Rockupy
Young and young-at-heart personalities are always looking for an authentic presentation in their own, comfortable way. Rockupy is the sophisticated answer for today's youth by taking every opportunity to express yourself in your scene with the appropriate and progressive aesthetics. The idea for Rockupy comes from three friends who were impressed by the dynamics of different scenes on their forays through the streets of Hamburg. And that's how Rockupy was born. Now we're bringing everything back to the street.
Rockupy has a customer base in various countries within Europe. In the future, Rockupy wants to expand its brand internationally and be present in many sales channels. Your clothes. Your statement to yourself! Clothing always plays an important role. Your clothes are an expression of your identity, your ideology and your mood. Whether you like it or not, your clothes are your way to express yourself and make a statement. But imagine that the brand could express more than just yourself? That's exactly what Rockupy stands for! We stand by what we do and not what is imposed... Rockupy breaks boundaries and creates a new image in a unique world Photos redit: Rockupy