Proposed legislation aims to ban fur sales in New York
Mar 27, 2019
New York Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal has introduced a bill proposing to make it illegal to “sell, offer for sale, display for sale, trade, give, donate, or otherwise distribute a fur product” in the state of New York by 2021.
“Increasingly, consumers are looking to make ethical and sustainable purchases -- fur is neither of those”, said Rosenthal as quoted by the New York Post. “Fur farms across the United States raise animals like raccoons, foxes, mink and chinchillas to kill for their fur, often using cruel and inhumane methods”.
The proposed legislation was celebrated by animal rights activists. Commenting on the bill, Priscilla Feral, President of Friends of Animals, said in a statement: “Finally the day has come that city council members see the handwriting on the wall as well. NYC can be the ultimate fashion forward role model by passing this legislation and ending what most of society has come to understand: cruelty is not fashionable.”
Rosenthal’s bill is similar to the one recently passed in Los Angeles, the biggest American city to ban fur so far. The prohibition, which applies to apparel and accessories, will come into effect on January 1, 2021. San Francisco also banned fur sales last year after a historic unanimous vote by the city’s Board of Supervisors.