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Tipster launches as fashion styling mobile app

By Sara Ehlers


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Los Angeles - Mobile app Tipster has just launched in hopes of offering a new styling service. The app will provide on-demand styling to help people in the fashion industry.

Created by founders Skyler Samuels and Andrew Duplessie, Tipster is supposed to ease styling needs for customers. The mobile app serves as a connecting resource for people who need stylists and the stylists themselves. Not limited to fashion, the app also includes stylists for hair and beauty. The idea is to allow the user to find personalized style advice in a convenient manner. The platform is anonymous, which allows users to freely express themselves and receive honest advice and tips from fashion professionals. Tipster allows the customer to have consulting runs for 30 minutes which average about 20 dollars, although various stylists have different rates.

The company was founded in New York last year. As of now, the company has headquarters in both Los Angeles and New York. So far after launching, on-call app has over 100k Instagram followers. The amount of users for the app currently are not available to the public. However, from the high Instagram following count, it’s safe to assume that the app may bode well for business.

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tipster app