PPR luxury group goes green
By FashionUnited
Mar 23, 2011
PPR is going green. The French luxury giant that owns Stella McCartney and Gucci has announced an ambitious and multi-tiered new sustainability initiative called PPR HOME he group launched PPR HOME, aimed to set a new standard in sustainability
and business practice in the Luxury, Sport & Lifestyle and Retail sectors.PPR HOME has been allocated an annual €10 million budget, in addition to PPR brands own commitment to lessen its impact on the environment, taking proactive steps to implement best business practices.
As a first initiative, a Creative Sustainability Lab has been set up to help lead the industry and foster creativity, innovation and sustainability. Its inaugural partnership with Cradle-to-Cradle® will drive PPR HOME to challenge traditional approaches and proactively re-think and re-consider product and business development.
In terms of tangible results, PPR has offset its 2010 global CO2 emissions from its sportswear brand Puma of 98,729 tons to achieve carbon neutrality. The company bought carbon credits from Wildlife Works’ leading REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) offsetting project in Kenya that takes the needs of the local communities and the conservation of biodiversity into account.
“In uniting its brands behind the PPR HOME initiative, PPR can make a unique contribution towards finding sustainable solutions and has an opportunity to reconsider products and services as a means to challenge the present way of doing things; set the pace for a new, more sustainable consumerism; redefine sustainable shareholder value; and build businesses that meet the needs of an evolving society“, said Jochen Zeitz, PPR Chief Sustainability Officer.
Image: Stella McCartney SS11
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