Artemis Academie The Netherlands
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Artemis Academie is the college for trend forecasting | style | art direction. Out of our particularly strong ties with the business world, this future-proof profile was born. In the coming decades, we will therefore deliver the most relevant creative concept developers in the creative industry. True innovators; inspiring people with a vision
With only 80 students per year, we keep it small and intimate. After a while, everyone know will know each other. We gladly do each other a favour and help each other further. It gives us time and space for personal development, an essential part of the creative process. Artemis Academie is a private training institute for higher vocational education in the creative industry. We have been making an impact on the creative industry since 1988. We started as educator of all-round stylists and have evolved into educators to all-round creative concept developers. This is the result of our close collaboration with people, the market and society. Contact: P: 020 689 51 00 E: Photo credit: Artemis Academie