FIL NOIR Germany
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FIL NOIR is a piece of Italian clothing culture, because the history of the brand begins over a hundred years ago in Certaldo, Tuscany, where the brothers Luca and Lorenzo Manzini took over their father's men's underwear manufacture in 1899 and led it to success. With a passion for tailoring and fine materials, a feeling for zeitgeist and commercial skills, they created the first men's shirts. Impeccable, handcrafted production, the finest cotton fabrics, exquisite ingredients and fair prices were guarantees of success, beyond national borders.
When an earthquake destroyed the region's yarn factories at the beginning of the 20th century, the brothers made a virtue out of necessity: They sewed the only remaining yarn, it was black. The white shirt with the black seam went perfectly with the black suit and thus became the favorite shirt of style-conscious Parisian businessmen: Everyone wanted the shirt with the “fil noir”, the “black thread” - the birth of the brand name and an international success story that abruptly took place in 1915 ended: Italy entered the First World War, sent its men to the front, and so the Manzini brothers had no choice but to close the family business - the end for FIL NOIR. Photo credit: FIL NOIR