GANT Sweden
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For GANT, it all began with shirts and we’ve never stopped reinventing them. Born in 1949, it’s a shirt that is rich in legacy and history. The combination of our founder Bernard Gantmacher's dedication to quality and his sons Marty and Elliot's sense for style and business proved to be a winning formula.
We like asking questions. We questioned why preppy was confined to college campuses, and helped make it a global phenomenon. We questioned why shirts were white or blue, and ignited an explosion of color and pattern. Today curiosity continues to drive us forwards. It unlocks creative thinking and has led to many of GANT’s shirtmaking innovations. But it’s a mindset that extends beyond the design studio. What we have learned is that life is better when you keep on asking questions. It helps you engage with the world around you. It leads to new discoveries and new experiences. That’s why we will Never Stop Learning.