- Products:
- Womenswear
The JACQUELINE de YONG concept is value for money. We give the best products for the best price – without compromising the quality. Our entry to the fashion industry was based on an ambition to cover the gap in a market of easy-selling essentials. With BESTSELLERs experience in the fashion industry combined with the JDY focus on value for money, we are able to provide a new take to the fashion industry.
JACQUELINE de YONG is adjustable down to earth fashion. Essentials are redefined, tones are refreshing and the fittings are flattering. JACQUELINE de YONG is on trend and accessible to all. By incorporating more sustainable fibres into our products, we try to anticipate positive changes to the environment. We always aim to use minimum 50% sustainable firbres in our LIFE products.
• Great average mark-up of 3.37 (!)
• Basics & trend styles
• Subbrand of ONLY
• Sold in more than 38 countries
Contact wholesale
Claudia Hooft
Photo credit: JDY
- Website:
- jdy.co/nl-nl