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KidswearMaternity wear
From pregnancy and childbirth through to the ever-evolving journey that is motherhood, you’ve got bigger things to worry about than what to wear. And no-one understands that better than Noppies. Which is why they’re in the business of blending form with function. In every Noppies collection, you’ll find maternity pieces that fuse style with care and comfort – so you can sit back and enjoy the path to new life.
From their very first product, the Belly Band Denim, this set of principles has been their guiding motivation. Everything they do brings care and comfort, in some small way, to you and your growing family. But these two things alone are not enough. It wouldn’t be the Noppies way if they didn’t also consider style. Maternity wear should indeed be comfortable, and provide care for you and your growing body, but Noppies believe it should also be stylish. It should make you feel good. And how do they do this? With quality fabric, comfortable fits and timeless cuts. They understand that your wardrobe needs to be practical, but know that it should also look good, too. Wholesale: E: Photo credit:Noppies