tisento-milano.com Italy
Meet TI SENTO: modern-classic jewellery items. Inspired by CLASSIC SHAPES, but never old-fashioned. Created for a LIFETIME AND BEYOND, but never out of style. This is TI SENTO. CLASSIC jewellery items with a MODERN twist. With on one hand a never-out-of-style ICONIC COLLECTION, and on the other hand, our always refreshing SEASONAL STATEMENT ITEMS, we combine the classic with the modern. We believe that classic items are here to stay - but adding a modern touch is how we make it personal. The modern classic style is not only and per se divided into two separate collections - but every item contains a twist of both. Whether an iconic item is truly inspired by classic jewellery - our TI SENTO touch provides it with a contemporary feel. And the other way around: our seasonal statement items always contain a classic base. Resulting in a forever stylish collection, to create your personal style. Our high-quality jewellery items are luxurious but accessible to many; filling the gap between low and mass versus high-end luxury.
Wholesale E: wecare@tisento-milano.com Photo credit: TI SENTO