Whistleblower Partners LLP

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Whistleblower Partners LLP is a boutique law firm dedicated to helping people report corporate fraud and misconduct to government entities that reward them for that information. We represent clients all over the world under U.S. programs like the federal and state False Claims Acts, as well as whistleblower reward programs run by the SEC, DOJ, CFTC, IRS, FinCEN, and Department of Transportation. Attorneys at Whistleblower Partners LLP are cognizant of the schemes clothing retailers employ to avoid paying duties on goods imported into the U.S., including double invoicing, transshipping to misrepresent country of origin, misclassifying imported goods under the HTS, and splitting shipments to stay below the dollar threshold that triggers the imposition of duties. Our attorneys have successfully represented two whistleblowers in the fashion industry who jointly helped the DOJ recover over $8 million from womenswear retailers Pure Collection and Alexis LLC to resolve allegations that they had improperly evaded their customs duties owed to the U.S. Government.