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Scandinavian Fashion Brands

Scandinavian Fashion Brands

Scandic Fashion Brands often have the Nordic codes that inspire the slow life trends. In the region, sustainable products and organic materials are synonymous with low consumption. From furniture to decorations, Scandinavian design is distinguished by its minimalism and functionality.

Scandinavian style, which has become increasingly eclectic, covers streetwear and more luxurious clothing. It is found with the Swedes, the Norwegians and the Danes with a few exceptions: the Swedes play the minimalist card, the Norwegians are more concerned with adornment and the Danes display a more mischievous type of fashion that is always tasteful and refined.

“Scandinavian style is relaxed but at the same time very sophisticated. It is simple and easy to wear.” is an often heard quote, Scandinavian brands are good looking and highly marketable. (re-)Discover Scandinavian brand here.