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By FashionUnited

Jun 8, 2010

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Raoul Keil, Editor-in-Chief of Schön! Magazine and Founder and Creative Director of fashion

networking platform nineteen74.com.

Studied fashion marketing in Germany.

Set up creative network Nineteen74 in June 2008 and after counting over 40,000 members to date in July 2009, launched the online publication Schön! Magazine which is now available in print in 16 countries.

Schön! Magazine is stocked on all five continents in the most forward thinking magazine outlets including RD Franks London, Universal News NYC and Collete in Paris but globally available at www.nineteen74.com/magazine.

Currently working on
The magazine will feature three of the biggest icons and upcoming models in the industry in the next three issues. Also working on a special edition for September.

Planning to expand Schön! Magazine into global retail and putting focus on globally organised networking events via Nineteen74.com.

Schön! Magazine