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Footwearology launches online course dedicated to AI

By Jule Scott


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Credits: Melvin Buezo / Pexels

Footwearology, the Barcelona-based academy for footwear professionals, has announced an online course dedicated to AI for footwear.

The course is suitable for all levels of expertise and will start by explaining a particular AI development and its implications for the footwear sector before practical examples and exercises are shared with the participants. Weekly lectures, both in the form of recorded content as well as live classes, will cover different topics, starting with the current AI landscape in week one. According to Footwearologys’ website only the first month is planned ahead and sudden new AI developments might result in changes in the schedule. Equally classes have not been pre-recorded but will instead be recorded for students on a weekly basis to ensure the information is up-to-date.

As the programme progresses more and more advanced workflows will be introduced that illustrate the implementation of AI in digital design applications. Preexistent knowledge of Photoshop and digital design is welcome, however the institute also offers classes on 3D designs that it suggests applicants to combine with the Footwear for AI.

For those hesitant to embrace AI or those fearing that the technology might eventually take over their jobs, Footwearology specifies that the course is not designed with a focus on the software as such, but the development of the students' vision. “You will only reap the benefits of AI if you know what to ask of it and how to select and curate the multitude of suggestions given by AI”, its website states.

AI for footwear will be instructed by Nicoline van Enter, one of the institute's founders. During live classes van Enter will be joined by various guest lecturers who have not been named.

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