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Printemps Haussmann, IFM hold three-day event to raise awareness about textile waste in Ghana

By Florence Julienne


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Official poster for IFM x Printemps Haussman awareness-raising event about textile waste in Ghana, June 2024. Credits: image via IFM

From June 14 to June 16, 2024, department store Printemps Haussmann, the Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) and France's Or Foundation are organising workshops to raise awareness and upcycle textile industry waste in order to combat Ghana's transformation into the dustbin of the West.

A promise made, a promise kept. At the ‘Let's go change the world’ event organised at the French Senate, a group of IFM students presented an upcycling solution created in partnership with Ghanaian designers.

They collaborated with the Or Foundation, which fights against textile overproduction and social inequalities in Africa. To give visibility to their project, they came up with the idea of exhibiting their work on the seventh floor of Printemps Haussmann, which is entirely dedicated to circularity, over two or three days.

Upcycling waste as a solution to textile pollution

Designers/artisans and students will present the Atelier des Adeεyie, an event space dedicated to circular fashion and upcycling. The term ‘Adeεyie’ refers to travelling tailors who repair and rework worn-out clothes.

Over the years, this age-old practice has evolved into a flagship sector for the recovery of clothing. According to the press release, tonnes of second-hand clothes are transformed every year thanks to their know-how and creativity.

Find the event programme below.

Friday 14 June - 3.00 pm: Workshop ‘La (re) fabrique du jean’, run by Xtreet Guidance and Calcul.

Saturday 15 June - 11.00 am and 4.30 pm: "Personalisation" workshops with Antydote and Alpha Costume and ‘Weaving’ with Kuoro Earth and Nakoi.

Sunday 16 June - 11.00 am and 3.00 pm: ‘Refabricating jeans’’ and ‘Weaving’ workshops.

Each session lasts two hours and is limited to ten participants. There will be tours of the space throughout the weekend, led by IFM students and Or Foundation artisans/designers.

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