Wolverine World Wide appoints first chief supply chain officer

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Wolverine World Wide has announced the creation of the role chief supply chain officer, which will be filled by the newly appointed Bishu Jayaram who will be responsible for global sourcing, distribution, logistics and more.

Jayaram has already been with Wolverine for the past two years, serving as senior vice president of global sourcing through which he oversaw such activities for all product categories across the group’s portfolio of brands.

Prior to Wolverine, Jayaram spent six years with VF Corporation holding a variety of supply chain-focused roles, including leading both Asia sourcing for footwear and equipment and global material supply for apparel and footwear. He has also held similar positions at the likes of Avery Denison, Adidas and Gap.

His appointment comes as Wolverine further announced that its executive vice president and president of its global operations group, Jim Zwiers, would be stepping down from the company in early 2024.

The shift builds on Wolverine’s ongoing transformation strategy, which is centred around the mission of turning the group into a “consumer-obsessed growth company”.

In a release, Chris Hufnagel, president and CEO of the firm, recognised Jayaram’s achievements so far, and added: “His appointment aligns well with our commitment to enhancing operational efficiency, building great brands across the globe, and transforming us into a consumer-obsessed growth company.”

Wolverine Worldwide