Fashion Council Germany and The PVH Foundation partner for a new education programme “Generation Zukunft” aiming to educate German pupils about the fashion industry

By Press Club

Aug 18, 2022

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Image Credit: Via Fashion Council Germany

Fashion Council Germany launches an education programme with its new partner, The PVH Foundation and PVH Corp, that is entirely dedicated to the education of German pupils at the average age of 15. This education project “Generation Zukunft” aims at fostering the adolescents’ understanding of social equality and diversity with special regards to the industry's impact. Fashion Council Germany and The PVH Foundation’s main goal is to diversify the industry by supporting especially disadvantaged youth groups in our society that face social exclusion and difficulties.

“Generation Zukunft” will kick-off this fall visiting pupils from around 16 schools each year with focus on German regions with a high diversity rate. With the support of education experts, the team of Fashion Council Germany will mainly visit secondary schools. The educational content will focus on the social and environmental impact of the fashion industry as well as career opportunities within the fashion landscape to attract new thinkers and talents for the industry whilst raising more awareness for its issues.

A total of three visits per school are scheduled to provide them insights into various topics and issues. Each school lesson will be dedicated to one topic accompanied by webinars to enhance their knowledge. An additional guidebook will be handed out at the completion of the programme to support their learning experience. During the school year, the pupils are asked to participate in tests. The 24 pupils with the best results are invited to join Fashion Council Germany’s yearly conference, “Fashion Zukunft,” in partnership with The Prince’s Foundation, at Dumfries House in Scotland to deepen their knowledge about the fashion industry and share their educational experiences.

Scott Lipinski, CEO Fashion Council Germany comments: “A revolutionary idea does not have to be invited at a university, a laboratory or an atelier. We want to encourage young talents from a very early age on to rethink the status quo of the fashion industry and learn about career opportunities that might not been familiar to them.”

Fashion Council Germany
Gen Z