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Manufacturing safety questioned in factory crash

By FashionUnited


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A factory in Bangladesh that produces clothing for Matalan

and Primark has collapsed, killing at least 70 people and causing injury to at least a further 200 workers.

This is the latest tragic story in Bangladesh' clothing and production industry.

The incident occurred when an eight story building on the outskirts of the capital Dhaka collapsed on Wednesday, BBC News reported. A crack appeared in one of the building's walls on Tuesday, but workers were ordered to return this morning by supervisors who maintained that the premises had been checked and was safe. The unit housed four garment factories, with an estimated 5,000 workers, as well as shops and a bank.

The collapse comes after two recent fires in Bangladesh garment factories that resulted in the loss of over a 100 lives and provoked outpourings of concern around the world. The latest disaster is likely to raise even more questions about conditions in Bangladesh’s garment sector.
Working conditions