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AAFA welcomes stimulus deal; stresses that the job is not done

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In a statement from President and CEO Steve Lamar today, the American Apparel & Footwear Association welcomed the news that Congress had come to an agreement on a new stimulus deal to inject an additional $900 billion into the economy. At the same time, the association emphasized that more will need to be done to support the U.S. economy in 2021.

“With the extension of the paycheck protection program and new unemployment benefits, the stimulus deal helps American businesses and American families when we need it most,” said Lamar. “COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our world and created an economic crisis unlike any previous. While this new bill provides essential aid, it is only a down payment on what the American economy needs to make it to the other side. The job is not done, and more work will be needed in 2021. This will be job one for the incoming Administration and the new Congress, and we look forward to working with them, and our diverse coalition, to save the American economy.”

AAFA is a member of the COVID RELIEF NOW coalition, which is representing the interests of a diverse segment of the economy that has been calling for further stimulus measures. Among the measures that the association supports: trade credit insurance; expansion of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC); legal liability protection; return to work incentives; Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit; and duty drawback for charitable donations.

Author: AAFA

American Apparel & Footwear Association
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