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​Next's Simon Wolfson requests more transparency concerning Brexit

By Vivian Hendriksz


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London - Lord Simon Wolfson, the chief executive of Next, has called on the government to explain its Brexit strategy, as he believes its would be "helpful" for retailers to have a clearer idea of what the core principles of the plan are.

Lord Wolfson, who was in favour of leaving the EU before the national referendum last June, previously warned against an isolationist Brexit course. "It would be helpful to understand the principles and objectives of the government with which they are going to enter negotiations," said Lord Wolfson reports the Guardian.

He called for more openness on the Brexit immigration policy, which may have a large impact on retail and fashion companies who employ EU Nationals, and whose suppliers also rely on immigrant labour."It would be helpful to understand the principles and objectives of the government with which they are going to enter negotiations," he said.

"There is uncertainty around Brexit but I would much rather that the government came up with a good plan than something rushed out to get rid of people worried about uncertainty. It would be a mistake to rush it." At the moment approximately 10 percent of Next's 51,000 employees are EU-nationals from outside the UK and they are amongst those being affected by the governments refusal to confirm their rights post Brexit.

Christmas trading period
Lord Wolfson