Liam Gallagher drops exclusive collection of brand collaborations in Selfridges

By Rachel Douglass

May 30, 2022

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Image: Liam Gallagher x Nigel Cabourn, Selfridges

British singer Liam Gallagher has dropped an exclusive collection in partnership with luxury retailer Selfridges consisting of a number of brand collaborations.

Products from the line have been made together with select brands and include an upcycled Barbour jacket featuring Liam Gallagher patches, C.P. Company printed t-shirts and personalised lens badges, LG initialled Finlay sunglasses and Sage Nation’s smock printed with images of the artist.

Additionally, Gallagher worked with Nigel Cabourn on a line of items such as shorts, trousers, hats and jackets.

The products are available online and in Selfridges London, Manchester Exchange Square and Manchester Trafford, with each store hosting a pop-up space dedicated to the launch.

Next to the product drop, Gallagher and his management team ran a competition with fashion students at Manchester Metropolitan University, with each asked to design graphics to be printed onto garments. The winners, announced to be Niamh and Aoife Dobson and Hari Thavanendran, had their designs sold alongside the designer products.

“This collection is an iconic way to celebrate the unquestionable impact Liam has had on British style,” said Bosse Myhr, director of menswear and womenswear at the retailer, in a release.

Mhyr continued: “Liam’s direct involvement with the brands in both designing and curating product is a true point of difference and the inclusion of graphics that have been designed by young Manchester talent is a great reference to Liam’s roots. The exclusive package from Nigel Cabourn is a standout, a true celebration of British fashion and culture.”

Liam Gallagher