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EIDM Fashion Mag Night 2024

By Press Club


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Credits: EIDM

You are invited to the exclusive EIDM Fashion Mag Night. The new edition will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. on the top floor of the gymnasium theater, within the prestigious Marquis room in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.

A celebration of our bachelor 2 students' writing skills...

Each year, our second year Bachelor students have to design and create a fashion magazine in its entirety, from defining the editorial line and artistic direction, to writing the articles, including the layout and the iconography. Carrying out a project of this magnitude represents a real opportunity that is as unique as it is enriching for all of our students. It allows them to develop their skills in graphics, writing, design and teamwork, and sometimes to discover new interests and passions. This project also contributes to challenge them, and of course make them more professional. This Fashion Mag Night around the theme “fashion & sport” like all of this year’s projects, marks the recognition of the work of our bachelor 2 students by our fashion & luxury partners and press officers.

The Fashion Mag Night 2024 program!

Starting 7:00 p.m., we will have the pleasure to welcome you at the Marquis. For the program: presentation of the 21 magazines created by our students, analyzes and reviews by our exceptional jury members, exchanges with the various editorial teams and awards ceremony for the jury's two "favorite magazines". Among the magazines in the running: Backstage, Endorphine, Freaky, Universe, N°Carbone, Persona, 12:17, Clout 9, Golden Narcissist, Kinisi, Summum, Crossover, Podiums, Cheers, 97, Era, Athleisure, Runway, Urban Tales, Craft Club. Throughout the evening, a cocktail and a DJ set entertainment will be proposed. Appointment is therefore made on Thursday May 30, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Marquis for this new edition of EIDM Fashion Mag Night.