Itsperfect The Netherlands
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In 2013, we founded Itsperfect with a clear goal in mind: to create a comprehensive software system that would address the unique challenges faced by fashion brands in managing their core processes. Our approach was to build this system from the ground up, with the ultimate aim of developing the most advanced and user-friendly ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution tailored specifically for the fashion industry. Our team, driven by a passion for fashion, embarked on this journey, taking into consideration every aspect, from colors to sizes. We meticulously designed Itsperfect to help fashion brands streamline their operations, save time, gain valuable insights, maintain control, and, most importantly, stay focused on their creative endeavors. Itsperfect offers a fully integrated system for essential ERP processes, along with limitless opportunities to expand through innovative modules and ready-to-use connections.
Today, Itsperfect is trusted by over 450 international brands in various fashion segments, including apparel, streetwear, sportswear, footwear, and accessories. Our clients range from small businesses to large enterprises, all sharing the common goal of growing their organizations and delivering the best products to their customers. We take great pride in our role in helping them achieve these objectives. Our commitment to our clients goes beyond providing a static solution. We actively engage with them, respond promptly to their needs, and regularly release new updates every quarter. We closely monitor market trends and listen attentively to our customers' feedback. This ongoing dialogue allows us to continuously enhance Itsperfect, making it smarter, simpler, and faster. Leveraging our deep knowledge of both the fashion industry and cutting-edge technology, we collaborate with our clients to offer the most comprehensive solution for fashion brands, spanning from fabric to end product, design to sales, and every collection in between. Contact: and +31 85 016 0175