
Weee.nl The Netherlands
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Producers and importers increasingly find themselves confronted with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) within Europe. This means they need to register their business with the proper authorities or compliance schemes in the countries concerned and report their sales on a regular basis. The associated procedures and regulations differ per country which can make EPR compliance a complex bureaucratic exercise.
Weee Nederland B.V. has the knowledge and experience for 20 years to efficiently handle the necessary EPR related registration and reporting procedures throughout Europe. Weee Nederland handles all communication with the relevant authorities and schemes in the different European countries on behalf of its clients. Part of the service is assistance regarding all kind of questions related to requirements necessary to ensure compliance of its clients in those countries. We are an innovative, practical organization that believes things can always be improved (by working together). In our philosophy, environmental challenges go hand in hand with caring for people. We will continue to pursue our ambition and ideas to achieve more sustainable collection.