Navabi makes stock photos available that show women with curves

By Simone Preuss

Feb 6, 2020

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Online retailer for plus size fashion, Navabi, demands more body diversity across all media channels and especially for stock photos, the vast majority of which depict an unrealistic image of women, using thin, young and white models. Thus, Navabi has put together stock photos of women in different everyday situations, which can be downloaded royalty free at when using the appropriate source reference.

“I’m really proud of this campaign to diversify stock images. I want to move to a point where fat bodies are seen as a neutral thing, not only used to illustrate stories about public health panic. That won’t happen until fat bodies are used to illustrate stories about everyday life, stories that reflect our reality,” comments Bethany Rutter, Navabi’s social editor, in a press release on Thursday.

The cause of Navabi’s current initiative were the results of a Google image search with keywords and phrases such as “businesswoman”, “couple separation” or “buying an apartment” that showed that it is practically impossible to find a picture with a person beyond clothing size 36 at first go. Even for common phrases like “women meeting” or “drinking coffee,” it was hardly possible to find a curvy woman on various stock photo pages as the online retailer found out.

“But stock photo providers in particular would have the opportunity to depict a variety of people and represent people in their diversity. But so far, diversity has not yet arrived at stock photo providers and only if you explicitly search for the term plus-size women, you will get a small selection of pictures. Navabi was tired of being put into a special category and being confronted with this systematic exclusion over and over again,” explains the German company.

As a result, Navabi has put together 33 stock photos for common search terms like “meeting friends,” “friends looking at their phones,” “taking a selfie” and others that depict curvy women.

All stock photos are available to download royalty-free as of now and can be used with the source reference


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