Premium Playground in Hall 2

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Stationary fashion retail – to be successful nowadays this means also offering customers an experience. Retailers are no longer competing today with other shops, but with the customer’s comfy sofa at home, from where they can place orders over the Internet. Retailers therefore need to come up with a plan to shift consumers from their seats (or the self-same sofa).

One method is to use events; another is to focus on service and human contact – a super simple and effective approach is to create a culinary offering. If you don't fancy always ordering your food over the Internet you’ll have to go out at some point. This new strategy has been implemented at Premium by way of demonstration: the Floret Café team from luxury retailer Luisa Via Roma in Florence is serving up healthy food like cold-pressed juices, superfood bowls and smoothies.

The concept by no means new of course: department stores have been enticing customers into their temples to consumerism for decades with delicacies – and hardly anyone leaves without having visited at least one other floor.

Visitors will find street art performed live and a selfie box at the Playground, which is also made for meeting up for drinks or a Nespresso coffee and a chat., the new digital platform for the fashion industry, also encourages you to linger at your leisure.

You can find the Premium Playground in Hall 2 of Station-Berlin, Luckenwalderstraße 4-6

Fashion Retail
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Premium Berlin
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Premium Playground