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Global Retail Expert, Chris Igwe, joins Karine Augis as Managing Director

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Chris Igwe, Managing Director at Karine Augis. Image: Karine Augis, courtesy of the brand

Karine Augis continues its strategy to grow the business across different platforms, including having physical locations in department stores and multi-brand or concept stores across the world.

To achieve its ambitious plans to become one of the leading and iconic brands, Igwe joined the company, bringing his 30 years of vast international retail experience. Igwe is also a globally recognised expert in the industry, having made numerous contributions as a keynote speaker, board member, leader of global trade associations and consultant to major brands.

Following a recent visit to London, Chris Igwe and Karine Augis were able to assess the opportunities and challenges ahead. Igwe's role is to bring his industry expertise, business acumen to international development and his ability to implement short and long-term strategies for the brand.

Igwe was quoted as saying, “I joined Karine Augis because I could see the huge potential for the brand. Karine boldly combines the fields of graphic design and leather goods codes with a strong commitment to sustainable fashion. Karine has developed her own raw material in partnership with French companies. A coated canvas that respects the environment. By combining design and functionality, her products meet the requirements of the luxury market for women who are looking for creativity and quality”

Igwe first met Augis over four years ago, when she was still working through the R&D aspects of the manufacturing process. They met again in late 2021 and it was clear that the company was ready to be taken to the next level and Augis needed the help. Today, following their presence in Publicis Drugstore in Paris during 2022, various international markets and outlets are already being assessed and negotiations begun for entry into these locations in 2023 and beyond.

Based in Paris, Igwe comes from a background steeped within major global brands, as well as advising, predominantly, premium, and certain luxury brands in their Pan European strategy and growth.

Chris Igwe, Managing Director at Karine Augis. Image: Karine Augis, courtesy of the brand
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Karine Augis