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FashionUnited's Global Fashion Network

Connect with fashion professionals globally and reach your ideal target group on the fashion industry's number one platform: FashionUnited

1.500.000 monthly visitors
70.000+ articles published
+ 100.000 jobs
30,000,000 newsletters sent per year

Publish Vacancies

Advertise your open position on the FashionUnited job board and find the perfect candidate reaching thousands of fashion professionals around the world. Post your job ad on our global platform for as little as €199 with the option to upgrade your ad with our performance enhancers

Employer Branding

A strong employer brand is crucial in recruiting and talent acquisition. FashionUnited will help you to spread a positive brand image within the global fashion industry and attract talented candidates easily.

Content Marketing

FashionUnited creates valuable and relevant content through unique storytelling in the form of advertorials to attract and retain an engaged global audience of fashion professionals. We encourage our partners to thought leadership, making the fashion industry more transparent and efficient.

Display Advertising

Reach an international fashion B2B audience and boost your online traffic with banners on our website. FashionUnited display ads create visibility, increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your desired webpage.

Advertise your brand on FashionUnited

Recruitment solutions

Find the best talent in fashion

Submit your job postings

FashionUnited is there to boost your HR & marketing strategy in various ways