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The latest news and innovations around sustainability in fashion

Discover all the latest news and innovations around sustainability in the fashion industry. You will find information about sustainable fashion, innovative materials, CSR, supply chain challenges, sustainability certificates, case studies and the most sustainable clothing brands.

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ResearchPress Release

Green Theme Technologies and Golden Long John Integrate Clean Textile Dye and Finishing Technologies

Substituting dry curing for traditional water-based techniques, these new textile production solutions greatly reduce water-borne pollution. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the waterless and PFAS-free EMPEL® textile finishing platform, has teamed up with Golden Long John to promote the next generation of...


Fashion |Opinion Featured

Most consumers know cheap fashion isn’t sustainable—so why do they keep buying it?

Despite growing awareness of the fashion industry's negative impact, consumers continue to purchase affordable, trendy clothes from fast fashion brands and retail giants. Why is that? How can these two realities coexist? The inspiration for this piece comes from a recent article published by Dutch investigative journalism platform De...
