Why you need digital shelf analytics to sell effectively across all channels

By Partner

Sep 27, 2021

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The rise of the internet altered the way we browse and shop for good. The outbreak of COVID-19 only intensified the digital shift, underlining the ease and speed of online shopping. As lockdowns rapidly became the new normal, retailers and shoppers alike increasingly turned to the digital world, increasing e-commerce's share of retail trade from 14% in 2019 to about 17% in 2020 (UNCTAD).

To ensure success in the digitally-led era, brands must ensure that their shopping experience is aligned across all channels, whether it be e-commerce, social commerce or online marketplaces. Product offerings must be accurate, eye-catching and fully optimised on the digital shelf. However, that is much more challenging than one would think, especially considering the countless digital selling points. But digital shelf analytics could help brands tackle this crucial aspect.

What is the digital shelf?

Simply put, the digital shelf is the virtual version of the physical one - it is where a brand's products are sold online. This can be any e-commerce platform, from a retailer's own website to social commerce to third-party marketplaces and more. It’s any place online where shoppers can go to browse, learn more and purchase products.

But as it is digital, most of the effective tools brands use to sell their products on physical store shelves, such as eye-catching packaging, striking visual merchandising, and key product placements, aren't effective. Rather, brands must rely on offering the most accurate product content, such as images, descriptions, videos, labelling, pricing, ratings and reviews as possible. When combined, these separate components help create an authentic overview of the product and assist shoppers in making an informed purchasing choice. They also strengthen the brand's image and the entire shopping experience online. However, if some of the content is incorrect or missing, it can lead to a missed sales opportunity or, worse, a returned order and a decrease in brand loyalty.

Complete the digital product picture

Rather than relying on reseller's and other third parties to get all the product elements correct, digital shelf analytics can help brands ensure they have consistent, accurate and up-to-date products on every digital shelf. By enhancing insights into the digital shelf, brands can solidify their product offering, reach more customers and break into new markets with ease and confidence. Sound inviting? Learn more about establishing a successful strategy for digital shelf analytics and see which solutions are unmissable for brands. Take the guesswork out of your e-commerce game today.

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About inriver

inriver empowers organisations to deliver revenue-driving product information at every touchpoint. inriver’s Digital-first PIM™ enables organisations to bring compelling product stories to life for highly customised purchases, obtain actionable guidance on what influences buying decisions, and then quickly adapt to put insights into action. inriver helps B2B and B2C organisations turn product information into strategic assets to drive revenue for over 1,500 brands and +600 customers globally. Headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, inriver has offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Chicago, Davao, London, Manila, and Stockholm. For more information, visit inriver.com.

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